
Greek for the Rest of Us: The Essentials of Biblical Greek, Second Edition is unavailable, but you can change that!

You don’t have to be a Greek student to understand biblical Greek. If you’d love to learn Greek so you can study your Bible better, but you can’t spare two years for college or seminary courses, then Greek for the Rest of Us is for you. Developed by renowned Greek teacher William Mounce, this revolutionary crash-course on “baby Greek” will acquaint you with the essentials of the language and...

Did you notice how subject is italicized in 5.9? In 5.12 you will see that direct object is italicized. The reason is that these are the technical terms used to describe a specific grammatical construction. The commentaries will use these terms, so you need to be learning them. You will come across words listed as nominative that will not be functioning as the subject of the verb. When this happens, tell yourself to have a little humility and realize that this is one of the grammatical constructions
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